Cost Accounting – B.S. Raman
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UNIT-1- INTRODUCTION: Meaning and definition of cost, costing, cost accounting and cost accountancy; objectives, advantages and limitations of cost accounting, differences between cost accounting and financial accounting.
UNIT-2-Elements of cost, classification of cost, cost centre, cost unit, problems on preparation of cost sheet, tenders and quotations.
UNIT-3- Materials- Classification and codification of materials, functions of purchase department, stores department-stores records, techniques of inventory control-stock levels, EOQ, ABC analysis, Material lossestypes
and treatment , Pricing of Materials- problems on LIFO, FIFO and weighted average price.
UNIT-4- Labour: Methods of time keeping and time booking; methods of remuneration-time rate, piece rate, Halsey and Rowan Plan, Idle timecauses and treatment, overtime, labour turnover-causes, measurement and treatment; problems on Halsey method, Rowan plan, Merick differential piece rate system, FW Taylors differential piece system.
UNIT-5- Overheads: Meaning, Nature, methods of classification of overheads, allocation and apportionment-problems on primary distribution, secondary distribution, repeated distribution methods. Methods of absorption of overheads- problems on Machine Hour Rate only. Activity based costing –Meaning, purpose, benefits, stages, relevance in decisionmaking.
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