Financial Accounting – III B.S Raman
Chapter– I : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Admission of a Partner.
Chapter– II : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Retirement of a Partner.
Chapter– III : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Admission -cum- Retirement.
Chapter – IV : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Death of a Partner, Joint Life Policy and Individual Policies
Chapter– V : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Dissolution of Partnership Firms (Excluding Garner Vs.
Simple Dissolution – Insolvency (Capital loss to be borne
in the agreed ratios)
Chapter – VI : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Sale of Partnership firm to a Limited Company – Entries in
the Firm, gradual realisation of Assets and Piece Meal
distribution of cash (Proportionate Capital Method only).
Chapter– I : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Admission of a Partner.
Chapter– II : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Retirement of a Partner.
Chapter– III : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Admission -cum- Retirement.
Chapter – IV : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Death of a Partner, Joint Life Policy and Individual Policies
Chapter– V : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Dissolution of Partnership Firms (Excluding Garner Vs.
Simple Dissolution – Insolvency (Capital loss to be borne
in the agreed ratios)
Chapter – VI : Partnership Accounts: 10 Hrs.
Sale of Partnership firm to a Limited Company – Entries in
the Firm, gradual realisation of Assets and Piece Meal
distribution of cash (Proportionate Capital Method only).
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