Business Management – B.S Raman
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UNIT-I : Concepts of management, definition, characteristics of management, Management and
Administration, functions of management, management by communication, management by systems, management by participation, management by motivation, MBE.
UNIT-II : planning- the process of management planning, decision making, strategy formulation, organizing, basic
consideration-Departmentation- functional, project, matrix- decentralization and delegation of authority,
dynamics of group behavior.
UNIT-III : Leadership- concepts, types of leadership, motivation, concepts and theories, Maslow,Herzberg’s theory, Mc gregor’s theory X and Y.
UNIT-IV : Controlling- meaning, definition, techniques of control, PERT, CPM, JIT, budgetary control, standard
costing, co-ordination, principles of co-ordination, management audit.
UNIT-V : Emerging trends in management- kaizen, TQM, TPM, MIS, ISO, change management, stress management, fish bone(ISHIKAWA)Diagram, business eco system, logistic management.
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